Confidentiality of Personnel Deliberations
Composition of Departmental Personnel Committees (Probationary and Temporary Appointment, Retention, Tenure, and Promotion, and Evaluation of Temporary, Probationary and Tenured Faculty)
Implementation of University, College of Education and Division of Curriculum and Instruction Policies and Procedures for Recommending Appointment of Tenure-Track Faculty.
Three (3) tenured professors (including FERP faculty). In electing members of the Division Appointments Committee, faculty are encouraged to place a high priority on disciplinary diversity so that the committee may reflect a more accurate and broad representation of the high range of expertise across C&I programs. If expertise is needed from another division, one member from another division may be elected by the faculty of Curriculum and Instruction.
*1 Probationary Faculty member may be elected depending on the expertise needed for the search.
Three (3) Professors (Associate or Full). Alternates will be selected according to the majority of ballots cast by preferential ballot after the three regular members have been selected.
Composition of Departmental Personnel Committees
The department annually elects 3 personnel committees.
The probationary and tenured faculty members of the department or equivalent unit shall elect a peer review committee(s) of tenured faculty members. When there are insufficient eligible members to serve on the peer committee, the department shall elect members from a related academic discipline(s).
(The Committees, as a whole, must take responsibility for the following tasks: Probationary Appointment; Temporary Appointment; Retention, Tenure and Promotion; Range Elevation; Evaluation of Temporary Faculty; Evaluation of Probationary Faculty; Evaluation of Tenured Faculty (Post-Tenure review); Evaluation for Request to Emeritus status; and Collaboration on the Development of Individual Professional Plans. It is required that each unit indicate below which Committee is responsible for each of these tasks.)
Committee Titles and Responsibilities |
Number of Members (at least 3; all tenured full time) (Indicate if must be (full) professor rank) |
Number of Alternates (1 or more; all tenured full-time)* (Indicate if must be (full) professor rank) |
Division RTP Committee (Faculty Retention Tenure and Promotion): evaluation of all tenure-track faculty and post-tenure review of tenured faculty.
Conducting interviews of above listed faculty as necessary, reviewing files, and making recommendations on retention, tenure and promotion. Collaborating with faculty in the preparation of Individual Professional Plans. Also, conducting post tenure reviews of tenured faculty. |
Three (3) Professors (Full). In electing members of the Division’s RTP committee, faculty are encouraged to place a high priority |
Three (3) Professors (Full). |
Division AFRA Committee (Adjunct Faculty Retention and Appointments): appointment and evaluation of all temporary faculty members.
Three (3) Professors (Associate or Full). In electing members of the Division’s AFRA committee, faculty are encouraged to place a high priority on disciplinary diversity so that the committee may reflect a more accurate and broad representation of the high range of expertise across C&I programs. FERP faculty may serve as needed. |
Three (3) Professors (Associate or Full). Alternates will be selected according to the majority of ballots cast by preferential ballots after the five regular members have been selected. |
Division Appointments Committee
Implementation of University, College of Education and Division of Curriculum and Instruction Policies and Procedures for Recommending Appointment of Tenure-Track Faculty. |
Three (3) tenured professors (Associate or Full including FERP faculty). (1 Probationary Faculty member may be elected depending on the expertise needed for the search) |
Three (3) Professors (Associate or Full). Alternates will be selected according to the majority of ballots cast by preferential ballot after the three regular members have been selected. |
The Division Chairperson, who is required to make an independent evaluation of faculty members eligible for re-employment, promotion and tenure, may not serve as an elected member to the Division RTP Committee.
Every eligible Tenured Full Professor has the obligation to be available for election to the Division RTP Committee.
Every eligible Tenured Professor has the obligation to be available for election to the Division Appointments Committee.
Eligibility for Committee Service and Balloting
Recruitment of Probationary Faculty
Appointment of Probationary Faculty
Personnel Action Files
Individualized Professional Plans
Eligibility for Tenure and Promotion
Area of Specialization | Terminal Degree |
Education | Doctorate |
Evaluation of Permanent Instructional Faculty
Category B: Activities considered appropriate as "scholarly and creative activities" for the discipline are:
- Participation in development and/or implementation of substantial school and community-based projects related to the CCOE Mission and dissemination of results/outcomes to the broader educational community.
- Publications
- Presentations to scholarly and professional audiences
- Grants, especially externally funded grants (e.g., Federal, State, Corporate) that bring resources to the College of Education and help implement its mission.
- Review Panel and Editorial Board
- Professional Consultant Activities (e.g., expert testimony, advisory committees, public and private schools, private industry, publishing companies).
- Honors, special awards, scholarships and fellowships
- Professional organizations: offices held; committees; meetings attended; conferences organized
All temporary faculty, non-tenured Assistant Professors and tenure track and tenured Associate professors will be evaluated by student opinion surveys in all classes.
Committee Procedures
- The Committee members review the official files of faculty members being evaluated. Files are located in the College of Education Dean’s office.
- The Committee extends an invitation to the faculty member to meet with the Committee to discuss materials in his/her file. The faculty member may choose not to accept the invitation without prejudicing the consideration.
- The Chairperson of the RTP Committee is responsible for arranging meetings, interviews, consultations, and gathering data for Committee deliberations.
- The Secretary of the Committee is elected to serve from among the five (5) Committee members. The Secretary records the proceedings of the Committee.
Review of Faculty Holding Joint Appointments and of Faculty Active in Interdisciplinary Programs
Student Consultation in Academic Personnel Processes
Oral Testimony
Role of Department/Division/School Chair or Director
Appointment of Temporary Faculty
Evaluation of Temporary Faculty
The Adjunct Faculty Retention and Appointments (AFRA) Committee will review and evaluate Temporary Faculty members based on the following criteria which is updated annually:
- Student Opinion Surveys;
- An updated resume;
- A list of courses taught at CSULA and at any other California State University campus;
- Copies of syllabi from courses taught or copies of introductory letters and lists of requirements used in student teaching supervision;
- A two-three page “Currency in the Field” report explaining their professional activities including such things as presentations at conferences, attendance at conferences, published papers, journal articles and / or books, editing, grant proposals, other presentations, and any other evidence of professional development.
- For teaching faculty, evaluation of teaching performance based upon an observation conducted at least once during each evaluation cycle by the department/division chair, members of the AFRA committee, or by designees of the personnel committee. There must be written notice of not less than five University working days given to the faculty member indicating the date upon which the observation will be made and indicating who will conduct it. There shall be consultation between the faculty member being evaluated and the individual who visits his/her classes. When observations are made for evaluation purposes, reports are included in the faculty member’s permanent personnel action file.
- In the case of Full-and part-time temporary Faculty who are employed as supervisors of directed teaching or other field-based practical activities, the Division AFRA Committee must solicit the input of the Director of Student Services and the Chair of the appropriate Division. Student Opinion Surveys should also be reviewed. The performance evaluation must reflect an assessment of the effectiveness of the individual as a supervisor since that is the assignment for which they are being employed
- In the case of Full-and part-time temporary Faculty who are employed as advisors, the AFRA Committee must solicit the input of the Director of Student Services and the Chair of the appropriate Division. The performance evaluation must reflect an assessment of the effectiveness of the individual as an advisor since that is the assignment for which they are being employed.
- Additional items may also be included such as evidence of other special accomplishments, letters of support, examples of students’ work, etc.
Consideration for Three-Year Appointments
Consideration for Range Elevation
To be considered for range elevation, full time and part time temporary faculty must demonstrate:
Teaching performance at a level satisfactory to the Division, as shown by such measures as student opinion surveys, instructional materials, and peer evaluations of classroom performance. For those with non-teaching assignments, positive evaluations by supervisors must be shown.
- At least one of the following indicators of appropriate professional development:
- Professional accomplishments at a level satisfactory to their Division as demonstrated by (but not restricted to) such activities as:
- Professional products such as conference presentations, articles, books, curricula, technology innovations, etc.
- Attendance at local, regional, national, and international meetings of professional groups and/or associations;
- Active membership in professional or licensure;
- Maintenance of current credential licensure;
- Continuation of professional practice outside the University;
- Participation in successful grant writing or grant projects;
- Partnership with pre-K-14 schools and/or community agencies;
Writing letters of recommendation and/or support.
- Contribution to the University community at a level satisfactory to their Division, as demonstrated by (but not restricted to) such activities as:
- Participation in program, Division, College or University committees;
- Participation in program, Division, College or University advisory committees;
Assistance in planning program, Division, or College accreditation documents.
- Professional accomplishments at a level satisfactory to their Division as demonstrated by (but not restricted to) such activities as:
- In addition, for elevation from level C to Level D, an Ed.D. or a Ph.D. is required.